Do you have one of those friends that just makes you so dang happy to be around? Me too! One I haven't seen in way too long is my absolutely gorgeous, fashionista friend, Maggie. If you're a scrapbooker, you'll recognize her as one of the super-stars of the industry. That's actually how we first met, over seven years ago. We were both contributing artists at Making Memories at the time; working on special publications and their design team. We hit it off immediately and have been friends ever since!
Today she was in town visiting from Phoenix so we met up and hung out for a couple hours. I've missed my Maggie! We shouldn't be apart this long. It ain't cool. I think the last time we got to hang out and play was when I spent a week staying with her in Arizona two years ago. Now I want to pick up and move back to Arizona so I can be her next door neighbor and play everyday! Is that too much to ask?
She brought her Instax camera today (which is the size of an adult head!) so we had a little fun...
I think I need one of these now!