- The other night I sat at a stop sign waiting for the red light a block ahead of me to turn green. One might assume I am a stoner. I am not. It actually reminded me of a time as a teenager though when one of my best friends made a rather sudden stop because she saw a red light in her rear view mirror. If you knew how hard I am laughing at that memory right now. Made me feel a little better.
- I have recently learned that "rag-a-muffin" is a dated term and that many kids today have not even heard of it. Shocking. Sadly, I think I have a list of outdated verbiage I use on a regular basis. "Hell-a cool" is not one of them. Okay, I liked. But, only on occasion. I think there are a lot of things we say here in Utah too that are not used elsewhere, or as often. Like, "What the heck!". Guilty. I remember working with my sister-in-law when I lived in Kansas City and remember our co-workers being absolutely dumb-founded when she asked "where should I huck these?", referring to cardboard boxes. Being from Utah, I knew what she was saying. Translation: Where should I throw these?
- I really hate public restrooms. I especially hate toilets in public restrooms with those stupid automatic flush sensors! I appreciate the idea of sanitation (I am 100% pro-sanitation), and not having to make contact with the handle (lets not let our mind drift on the grossness that inhabits that thing...), BUT, being one who believes in thoroughly coating the toilet seat with at least five layers of toilet paper or seat covers, I hate that every time I move to get more toilet paper for this purpose, the sensor goes off prematurely, violently sucks the toilet paper down the drain and I have to repeat the dumb process until I can slowly, and cautiously, trick the stupid sensor and literally jump on the seat before it steals the paper! This scenario is particularly frustrating in a small stall at an airport with two big bags of luggage. Has happened a time or two.
- Why am I watching the Bachelor again? Haven't I made this mistake before?
- If that stupid gray cat poops in the corner of the living room ONE MORE TIME, I'm donating the damn thing to Goodwill. She's gonna end up right next to the second-hand underwear if she's not careful. She'd be wise not to tempt fate. She's really pushin' it.
- The other night I pulled over during a snow storm, major lack of visibility, when I noticed a heart forming on my window. Ahhhh. I took it as a sign that I am loved. Sadly, by a big, blue trash can spotlighted through the window. Hot guy would've been too much to ask for, right?
I am taking more pictures each day as I am going to do Project Life this year. This is a snapshot from my home office today while working. Highlights a little message I tore out of a magazine several months ago and have lovingly displayed on my lamp ever since... "LONG LIVE HAPPY HOUR". Happy little sentiment, right? I like it. My happy hour generally includes Diet Coke + Lemonade, on the rocks. Pebbled, please. And sadly (cough)... making fun of the Bachelor on Monday's nights as I watch it with my BFF and her husband.
PS. I have another fun Valentine's project. Check back in the coming days for pictures.